Undergrad interested in doing research in probability?
We are not accepting applications for Summer 2023, 🙁 . Please check again late in Fall 2023 for updates.
Our REU specializes in research experience in Markov Chains and related topics, both theoretical and applied.We usually work with a group of eight students for eight weeks. Students are split into teams that work on several different research projects (2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018) in parallel, as well as other smaller usually more applied mini-projects.
Our program is run by Prof. Iddo Ben-Ari. Student participants work directly with Prof. Ben-Ari. The program has an additional staff member (usually advanced grad student) assisting Prof. Ben-Ari.
We make a big effort trying to select projects that are interesting, suitable, meaningful and match the students' interests and backgrounds. We aim for scientific publication, and very often we continue working past the official program end date with those interested.
Examples of other mathematical activities include lectures on various topics, both by staff and guest lecturers, riddle session, "journal and/or book club" where we discuss some mathematical papers or books. We also create notes on topics we cover, as part of working on scientific writing skills.
Some not-only-math-related fun guaranteed (when we're back in person. Less of that in `20 and `21, the fully-online COVID years): we go on hikes, we take coffee breaks and lunches together and run a student-centered social hour.
If you'd like some more detailed info, visit our 2022 program log page, where we try to detail some of the activities we engaged in.
We are generously funded by:
- * REU grants from the NSA's Mathematical Sciences Program.
- * Department of Mathematics at UConn.
- Overleaf sponsored in our first four years. We were also featured in the overleaf blog.
- Regional REU Conference we hosted in 2021
- Left to right: Jonah BG, Jonah G, Connor, Iddo, Hugo, Rachel, Taylor, Phil, Oliver, Mark
- Jonah BG, Oliver and Mark presenting at REU meeting in UMass
- Taylor, Rachel and Jonah presenting at REU meeting in UMass
- Mark is delivering one of the best lectures we had on sum acceleration.
- Hike to UConn forest.
- Cartoon from our survey article on inequalities in probability
- Chess for social hour
- playing cards after a coffee break, right before our museum tour (guide in the back)
- Our 2018 team.
- Simulation of contact process by Ewan. Click to try and learn.
- Jonah, Rachel and Oliver playing a recital during our weekly social hour
- UCann relax now. Click to reveal.